Eleanor Wrigley has lived in Langley and sold Real Estate in the Lower Mainland for 44 years. She considers herself fortunate to be doing a job she loves. The two things which she holds closest to her heart are her family and her clients. She has raised two wonderful children. Both of whom have been so inspired by the example she has set that they have both followed in her
footsteps, becoming REALTORS® and joining her to create a family team of three. Her commitment to her trade has won her numerous awards and accolades.

Some of her awards over the years include:

  • MLS FVREB Team Medallion National Top 10%
  • Lifetime Award of Excellence
  • Red Diamond

* In recognition and appreciation of Excellence in Client Service and Outstanding Sales Achievement within the Real Estate Profession.

** In recognition of Top Ten Sales Achievement.
Eleanor is committed to the local community, including working as a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society, sponsoring families for the local Christmas Bureau, and donations to the Covenant House in addition to sponsoring the Campbell Valley Pony Club. In recognition of this support, they included her name on an award blanket.